I have had to change my blog to Mabel on Missions due to changes at Demon --it would be wonderful if readers joined me at
Just put really useful pieces on there
Wednesday, 19 July 2017
Thursday, 6 July 2017
Saturday, 13 May 2017
I feel this is such an important event I have put it on my new blog,
Sunday, 7 May 2017
Having had this blog for a number of years for various reasons I have had to change it and it will now be
Thank you to all who follow me and look forward to seeing you at the new blog
Thank you to all who follow me and look forward to seeing you at the new blog
Friday, 28 April 2017
I went to a conference a while ago on dairy foods --and found information on a recent one
So many people it seems never think of drinking milk --I remember as a teenager if we went for a curry we always had a glass of milk with it --perhaps a good trend to start
London, 28th April 2017: A growing body of scientific research shows that the consumption of milk and dairy foods has a neutral or protective association with the risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Milk and dairy foods are often misunderstood in regard to heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and are frequently targeted in saturated fat reduction initiatives. However, research has evolved significantly in recent years.
Firstly, the role of saturated fat in heart disease has been questioned; secondly, saturated fat is now known to be a ‘family’ of compounds, rather than a single entity, and research suggests some of these may not be detrimental to heart health; thirdly, it is more sensible to look at the effects of consuming a food, rather than the individual nutrients within that food, on disease risk.
According to The Dairy Council, milk and dairy should not be targeted by public health recommendations to reduce the risk of heart disease or type 2 diabetes. By simply looking at saturated fat, and disregarding the complex interplay of nutrients and the variety of saturated fatty acids found in the dairy matrix, consumers are sent the wrong message about milk and dairy foods.
Dr Anne Mullen, director of nutrition at The Dairy Council, said: “There’s been a shift in the evidence base on milk, dairy and cardiometabolic health, and now there needs to be a shift in how health professionals speak to consumers about nutrition and disease risk.
“Recent debates on saturated fat do a disservice to the nutritional quality of foods such as milk and dairy. By looking at the single nutrients in foods, we completely miss out the fact that all of the nutrients in milk and dairy, including the different saturated fatty acids, interact with each other and the effect of consuming a food is different to the effect of consuming single nutrients. As the saying goes, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
“Consumers have become more concerned about saturated fat and as it is found in milk and dairy foods, it is often assumed dairy plays a role in the possibility of developing heart disease or type 2 diabetes. However, when we look at the science, these claims are not supported. There have been a number of large studies in recent years that have shown that the consumption of milk and dairy over many years has either no effect or a beneficial effect on cardiovascular health and type 2 diabetes risk.
“Dairy is more complex than just saturated fat, and this is an important lesson. If we simply looked at single nutrients we would blacklist foods unfairly, which does not translate easily for consumers. Instead, we need to take a step back and look at all of the nutrients as a whole, as well as how they interact, to appreciate the impact milk and dairy has on our health.”
More information on saturated fat and dairy can be found in The Dairy Council’s recently published‘Saturated Fat, Dairy and Your Health’ which can be accessed here.
Monday, 27 March 2017
I AM OFTEN ASKED ABOUT SUGAR AND LOW CALORIE SWEETENERS - so wanted to say that the ISA have really good and well researched advice on the topic
There are a range of low calorie sweeteners some in tablet form some in sachets and others in granular form
Some low calorie sweeteners can be used in cooking while others taste bitter due to the heat of cooking
There is a trend now for the natural sweetener derived from the Stevia plant and it is found in all sorts of foods and also beverages
I have a a Stevia plant in my kitchen and it is lovely to use in soft drinks or just nibble as it gives an intense sweet taste
It was from the local gardening centre and only £3.99
They make good presents for people with a sweet tooth!
Sunday, 26 March 2017
Breast feeding is well known to be the best start for babies and while it can be difficult for some women support does help
I was quite impressed to be told by a young builder who had a young baby how he had encouraged his wife to breastfeed and listening to him telling another builder about how important this was and ending with it is also a lot cheaper!
This may be of interest from http://www.independentnurse.co.uk
I was quite impressed to be told by a young builder who had a young baby how he had encouraged his wife to breastfeed and listening to him telling another builder about how important this was and ending with it is also a lot cheaper!
This may be of interest from http://www.independentnurse.co.uk
Almost half of breastfeeding mothers stop after two months
Written by: Rhys Handley | Published: 24 March 2017
Nearly 50% of breastfeeding mothers stop after two months, according to new data from Public Health England (PHE) and NHS England.
In a survey of 500 mothers published on 23 March, 73% said they breastfed their newborn child, but this figure drops to 44% by six to eight weeks. PHE recommends breastfeeding for the first six months after birth, saying evidence shows the right support helps mothers breastfeed longer.
PHE chief nurse Viv Bennett said: ‘Breastfeeding, while natural, is something all mums and their babies learn by doing. Mums tell us, after the first few weeks, breast feeding becomes easier, so proper support is crucial at this time which is where our bot is designed to help.
More than half of mothers surveyed were concerned breastfeeding meant they would not be able to tell if their baby was getting too much or not enough milk. Many felt people might assume they need a special diet to breastfeed. Nearly three in ten worried breastfeeding could mean their baby might not be getting the right nutrients, indicating why mothers may stop breastfeeding at this early point.
Breastfeeding boosts a baby’s ability to fight illness and infection. Babies who are not breastfed are more likely to get diarrhoea and respiratory infections. It also lowers a mother’s risk of ovarian and breast cancer and burns around 500 calories a day.
More than half (63%) of mothers polled said they would feel embarrassed breastfeeding in the presence of people they don’t know, 59% felt the same about their partner’s family and 49% felt it about siblings and wider family members.
‘We can all help women feel comfortable breastfeeding their baby wherever they are,' added Ms Bennett. 'Creating a wider culture of encouragement and support will help make a mother’s experience all the more positive.’
PHE is now launching the Start4Life marketing programme to help parents and expecting parents to adopt ‘healthy behaviours’ at an early stage. They have unveiled a ‘chat bot’ on Facebook called Breastfeeding Friend which can provide advice immediately over the online messaging service.
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
A little while ago I did training for groups of people using the X-pert course for those with diabetes
Evaluations showed people really enjoyed the courses and it helped them to understand the condition plus also take steps to manage it.
Diabetes UK has an on line course
Evaluations showed people really enjoyed the courses and it helped them to understand the condition plus also take steps to manage it.
Diabetes UK has an on line course
David, a Diabetes UK supporter, attended an X-PERT education course for people living with Type 2 diabetes. Find out how it's changed his life.
David's story
I decided to go on an X-PERT course after I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in my late 40s. I'd put it off because I wasn’t sure how helpful it would be, but now I'm spreading the word on how it’s changed my life and what made the course so fascinating and inspiring.
Tuesday, 21 March 2017
I was invited to a really good meeting last night on Saturated Fat -Dairy and Cardiometabolic Health which allayed fears anyone may have about milk and CHD
I always feel that while some people may not be able to tolerate milk for most it is a really useful component of the diet
There are lots of useful fact sheets full of of information on milk, cheese and yogurt on the website plus also a spectrum of all sorts of recipes.
dairy council uk
Monday, 20 March 2017
World oral health day
Today 20th March is World Oral Health Day
Obviously a good diet with out too many sugary foods and drinks is important in preventing dental decay
I did quite a lot of teaching on this a while ago
Obviously a good diet with out too many sugary foods and drinks is important in preventing dental decay
I did quite a lot of teaching on this a while ago
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Foundation Nutrition and Health
I have just been working on updating this book for Highfield.co.uk limited
It is a really useful and comprehensive book which works well for anyone wanting an overview of nutrition.
The book is perfect to accompany basic courses in nutrition.
It is quite easy to read but covers lots of information. Nutrition is very fast moving as regards research and up dates so there are lots of new items.
It is a really useful and comprehensive book which works well for anyone wanting an overview of nutrition.
The book is perfect to accompany basic courses in nutrition.
It is quite easy to read but covers lots of information. Nutrition is very fast moving as regards research and up dates so there are lots of new items.
Monday, 13 March 2017
Our mission is to create a global movement that will reinforce and focus, energy, activity and engagement on nutrition and hydration as a fundamental element of maintaining the health and well-being for our global community.
Date for your diary – Nutrition and Hydration Week 2017 – 13th – 19th March
Nutrition and Hydration Week aims to highlight, promote and celebrate improvements in the provision of nutrition and hydration locally, nationally and globally.
Originally focussing on improvements in nutrition and hydration across health and social care we are now spreading our wings …….
Over recent years we have been so delighted that so many other organisations and sectors have got involved in Nutrition and Hydration Week that we now welcome and encourage everyone to take part in highlighting and promoting nutrition and hydration throughout the week.
Nutrition and Hydration Week has become a truly global event.
Our Aims & Charter demonstrate our commitment to supporting improvements in nutrition and hydration for the global community.
Why not show your support for Nutrition and Hydration Week 2017 by joining our thunderclap https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/53579-nutrition-and-hydration-week-2

Sunday, 12 March 2017
NHS Minor Ailment Scheme
Even though I have worked in the NHS for a number of years I did not know about this and it may help some people especially those on low incomes.
I am a Public Governor for Kettering General Hospital NHS Trust and the accident an emergency department is often full of people with more minor ailments which could be resolved by the pharmacist.
Basically if you don't pay for prescriptions (Under 16's do not) then you can request a 'PHARMACY FIRST CARD' from your GP receptionist.
This card entitles you to many free medicines without having to visit your doctor and obtain a prescription including; Liquid Paracetamol (calpol) and Sudocrem. Just take your card along to the pharmacy, explain the symptoms and the pharmacist will give you something to suit e.g. nappy rash, teething etc. There is no charge for this!
Schemes vary between locations, but the NHS Minor Ailment Scheme is for adults and children who:
Read more at http://www.boots.com/prescription-support/minorailments#i2aiOHXtBFEUzxho.99Read more at http://www.boots.com/prescription-support/minorailments#i2aiOHXtBFEUzxho.99
NHS Minor Ailment Scheme
I am a Public Governor for Kettering General Hospital NHS Trust and the accident an emergency department is often full of people with more minor ailments which could be resolved by the pharmacist.
Basically if you don't pay for prescriptions (Under 16's do not) then you can request a 'PHARMACY FIRST CARD' from your GP receptionist.
This card entitles you to many free medicines without having to visit your doctor and obtain a prescription including; Liquid Paracetamol (calpol) and Sudocrem. Just take your card along to the pharmacy, explain the symptoms and the pharmacist will give you something to suit e.g. nappy rash, teething etc. There is no charge for this!
Schemes vary between locations, but the NHS Minor Ailment Scheme is for adults and children who:
- · Are registered with a GP surgery which is taking part in the scheme
- · Want treatment for a minor illness included in your local scheme
Medicines can be supplied free of charge to the customer if they are
exempt from NHS prescription charges.
The NHS Minor Ailment Scheme is available in Scotland and Northern
Ireland, but only in selected pharmacies across England and Wales.
It is easy to go to the website and see where the nearest pharmacy in the scheme is by putting in your postcode
Read more at http://www.boots.com/prescription-support/minorailments#i2aiOHXtBFEUzxho.99Read more at http://www.boots.com/prescription-support/minorailments#i2aiOHXtBFEUzxho.99
Friday, 10 March 2017
Did you know it is British pie week
I used to make pastry quite often but seldom make it these days. Lovely pies can be made and made "healthier" with lattice type tops, only using a top rather than a top and bottom to the apple or meat pie, using lots of fruit in the filling as well as keeping as a treat rather than every day.
You can also use some wholemeal flour in making the pastry to boost the fibre content.
Pie toppings can also be made with vegetables like mashed or sliced potatoes, mashed up vegetables like swede or carrots or even cauliflower
Here are some ideas for pies
I used to make pastry quite often but seldom make it these days. Lovely pies can be made and made "healthier" with lattice type tops, only using a top rather than a top and bottom to the apple or meat pie, using lots of fruit in the filling as well as keeping as a treat rather than every day.
You can also use some wholemeal flour in making the pastry to boost the fibre content.
Pie toppings can also be made with vegetables like mashed or sliced potatoes, mashed up vegetables like swede or carrots or even cauliflower
Here are some ideas for pies
Wednesday, 8 March 2017
It is often difficult to know what to cook and eat each day so it is good to have some inspiration and Diabetes co have a free recipe book which is useful for anyone
Recipes are easy to make plus economical
Eat a new meal every day |
The 365 Diabetes Cookbook, FREE to download, has a recipe for every day of the year. In fact, it has a staggering 440 pages of recipe ideas to choose from.
Saturday, 11 February 2017
KINDNESS--with drinks and food
Did you know it is the kindness month
It is a lovely idea and so important to think about offering food or a drink as part of this
My local hospital is offering refreshments to visitors and staff which leads up to good hydration
Did you know it is the kindness month
It is a lovely idea and so important to think about offering food or a drink as part of this
My local hospital is offering refreshments to visitors and staff which leads up to good hydration
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
pancakes --healthy ones
- https://www.diabetes.org
This recipe is from Diabetes uk but i have slightly adapted it
- 100g plain flour --iI often use self raising flour
- Pinch of salt --often omit this
- 1 egg, beaten --I may use 2 if small or medium
- 300ml skimmed milk
- 1 tsp rapeseed oil
Sift the flour and salt if used --beat in the milk and egg. Let stand for at least an hour --I often keep it in a jug overnight in the fridge.
Heat the oil in a pan so really hot add about a tablespoon of the mix and tilt the pan so it covers it evenly .When golden brown. Flip over with a spatula or toss if you are brave
Eat while hot
Lovely with stewed fruit or a dusting of a granular low calorie sweetener
Thursday, 12 January 2017
nutrition and hydration week
Dear Nutrition and Hydration Week Supporter
Happy New Year to you all.
Your support of the week and all the great activities you deliver during the week is making people notice. Here is an email we received from Hong Kong.
“Knowing the previous Nutrition and Hydration Week was successfully held in different organizations to promote the importance of nutrition and hydration. On behalf of Nutrition care working group, Pok Oi Hospital, Hong Kong, we hope to participate in the coming Nutrition and Hydration Week 2017. We plan for training workshop, tea party, patients’ meal satisfaction survey and staff canteen booth during the week.”
Thank you to Joanne a dietician at the hospital for sharing her plans and support of the week with us.
The ‘Week’ expands its portfolio
A new area the week is expanding into is Workplace Well Being. Building on numerous enquiries last year from businesses and organisations seeking further information from us in the week to increase employee awareness, particularly fluid intake, the organisers of the week we have added a further aim of the week.
Improve staff awareness of their own hydration and nutritional requirements
The benefits to the employer are huge with healthier and more alert staff, and research has associated better hydrated staff with increase productivity and less work-related accidents. The benefit of enabling the week to reach a wider audience is the prevention of avoidable hospital contact and admissions through poor hydration in the community.
The change to include a wider public health message is now reflected in our update mission statement -
‘Our mission is to create a global movement that will reinforce and focus, energy, activity and engagement on nutrition and hydration as a fundamental element of maintaining the health and well-being for our global community.’
Nutrition and Hydration Week Napkins
Following a successful launch last year with the Hospital Caterers Association Midlands Branch, Nobisco are able to provide bespoke Hydration & Nutrition Week logo 2ply 33cm napkins. A case of 2000 napkins is £24.96 + vat. They will endeavour to provide free delivery where possible, however a £9.95 delivery charge may be incurred depending on location.
Due to print time and to avoid any forthcoming price increases, the deadline to receive orders is Wednesday 25th January 2017.
Please contact Amanda Turnbull directly on amanda.turnbull@nobisco.co.uk or 07798 646 159.
Please contact Amanda Turnbull directly on amanda.turnbull@nobisco.co.uk or 07798 646 159.
Promotional Material
We are in the process of securing our first sponsor for the week, we will let you have more details when confirmed. We will utilise some of this funding to update our website, but we will be investing some of the funding in promotional material for you to use during the week. Have you any ideas or suggestion of what would help you promote the week to get maximum impact for your work? Please email us on the the email below. We look forward to receiving your ideas.
Contact for Newsletter items, photos, plans, ideas, any comments send them to:
Thanks as ever for all of your supportWednesday, 4 January 2017
I seem to have been really busy over Christmas --working right up to Christmas Eve then since so not been very good about keeping up with a blog
New year is always a time when people resolve to look at the diet so thought this may be of interest
Results from the latest weight loss trial show that the use of very brief advice is n effective and acceptable way to discuss weight with patients and takes just 30 seconds.
Routinely used in smoking cessation, this study provides the evidence base to encourage use of very brief advice in weight management.
Although many health professionals are nervous about raising weight with patients, this study, led by University of Oxford (UK) and published this week in The Lancet, provides some reassurance.
While the study focussed on advice and referral by GPs, the principles of VBA can be applied by all primary care health professionals, with great potential impact.
Cancer Research UK
The full information is on the website
New year is always a time when people resolve to look at the diet so thought this may be of interest
Results from the latest weight loss trial show that the use of very brief advice is n effective and acceptable way to discuss weight with patients and takes just 30 seconds.
Routinely used in smoking cessation, this study provides the evidence base to encourage use of very brief advice in weight management.
Although many health professionals are nervous about raising weight with patients, this study, led by University of Oxford (UK) and published this week in The Lancet, provides some reassurance.
While the study focussed on advice and referral by GPs, the principles of VBA can be applied by all primary care health professionals, with great potential impact.
Cancer Research UK
The full information is on the website
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