Swallowing problems
Some people have
problems with eating and swallowing due to illnesses such as strokes or after surgery.
The correct name for such swallowing problems is dysphagia.
Often people
were told to have pureed foods—but this can be in different forms and
thicknesses. In 2012 Dysphagia
Diet Food Texture Descriptors were produced http://www.bda.uk.com/publications/statements/NationalDescriptorsTextureModificationAdults.pdf
descriptors detail the types and textures of foods needed by individuals who have
swallowing difficulties and are at risk of choking or food or liquid going into
their airway. The descriptors provide standard terminology to be when communicating
about an individual’s requirements for a texture modified diet.
The food textures
B = Thin
Purée Dysphagia Diet
C = Thick
Purée Dysphagia Diet
D =
Pre-mashed Dysphagia Diet
E = Fork
Mashable Dysphagia Diet
Fluids are
not currently included in these descriptors. The following guidance is suggested
for information on thickened fluids: Special products can be used for
thickening drinks.