Friday, 18 December 2015


  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 3094 KB
  • Print Length: 44 pages
  • Publisher: Dr Mabel Blades (29 Nov. 2015)
  • Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.

Saturday, 12 December 2015


People  often ask me about what  is a dietitian,  nutritionist or nutritional therapist

As a registered dietitian I am regulated by the HCPC and there are clear standards.

The British Dietetic Association have produced a really helpful booklet for people which explains the difference.


Tuesday, 8 December 2015


Yesterday went to an excellent Sugar Reduction Summit and there was masses of useful debate.

The one thing that I thought was useful to use is "rich people drink tap water" said by Prof Adam Drewnowski based on his research in the USA.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Christmas cookbook have produced a lovely Christmas cook book..

It contains 46 delicious recipes ideas for you and the family - including a range of vegetarian dishes, as well

Monday, 30 November 2015


Christmas pudding --lower fat and lower calorie

Karderio Christmas Pudding Clip Art

Christmas pudding --lower fat and lower calorie I developed this recipe a while ago and it is very popular. It can be made at the last minute or rather the day before Christmas and is both easy and economical not to mention tasty.

Having looked at most luxury style Christmas puddings as well as recipes for homemade ones using traditional ingredients like suet in them I found that most provided around 600 kcals and 80g carbohydrate per portion. So I was given the challenge of developing a lower calorie and carbohydrate pudding. 
This is what I made and it makes 8 small portions and each portion provides 204kcal 43g carbohydrate, 1.4 g fat, 0.3g saturated fat and 0.3g salt.

It was quick to make and also cheap. It will not keep so make it only the day before or freeze.

200g dried mixed fruit

100ml water

10 ml red wine

1 tbsp oat bran

I tbsp black treacle

200g self raising flour

1 tsp mixed spices

1 420g can of prunes drained

1 egg

Mix the wine and water together (I just washed out a wine bottle)

Pour the dried fruit into a dish

Pour on the wine and water mixture

Leave overnight in the fridge.

This soaking step is important as it plumps up the fruit.

To this mix add the oat bran and return the dish to the fridge

Take the stones out of the prunes and puree—if you have not got a liquidiser a potato masher works well

Add to the mix, then add the treacle and mix through.

Sift together the flour and spices and add to the mix

Finally beat in the egg

If the mix seems a bit dry add a little skimmed milk

Pour into a one and a half pint basin and smooth down

Alternatively pour into 8 small basins

Put in the microwave and cook for 7 minutes on high

Take out of the microwave and let stand for 5 minutes

Cook again for 7 minutes on high and again let stand

Test the inside is cooked with a knife or skewer –if not cooked –then cook again for 5 minutes and allow to stand then check it

 The smaller puddings will cook more quickly and so will a pudding in a shallower basin

 The pudding will not keep for long so freeze it or cook a day or so before required.

 If you do not want to cook in a microwave it can be baked for an hour in a medium oven in a covered basin stood in a bowl of water.

 Serve with custard or ice cream or as it is very low in fat a little brandy butter or my current delight a really nice plain Greek style yogurt


Tuesday, 10 November 2015


I have just  updated this book and am pleased with it as it has lots of extra  information. it contains
information on
  • Food, nutrition and health
  • Factors affecting food intake and choice
  • Macronutrients
  • Micronutrients
  • Fluids including alcohol
  • The fate of nutrients
  • Nutrition for different life stages
  • Healthy eating and malnutrition
  • Therapeutic diets
  • Ethnic minority groups and their dietary requirements
  • Promoting healthy eating
  • Factors affecting the British diet

Thursday, 24 September 2015


A new survey commissioned by the School Food Plan highlights the value parents place on their children having a free lunch at school in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Almost one quarter (23%) of mums and dads whose children take up the free lunches say the main benefit is the greater variety of food they will now eat. The same proportion (23%) say they most value their child eating a proper meal at lunchtime, whilst almost one fifth (19%) say their child has enjoyed trying new foods. The opportunity to eat together and socialise with friends was identified as the most important aspect by 15% of parents. 

Monday, 21 September 2015

Food and happiness

I did a blog about this a while ago and it is still pertinent today

So often people --including myself-get down about things with often no good reason so I loved the action for happiness posters and ideas

Lots of them can interact with food and what we eat such as

  • cook a meal for someone 
  • notice what you are eating and enjoy it
  • look forward to those special treats
  • do not compare yourself--so many people beat themselves up about their appearance 
  • focusing on the good bits --the fruit and vegetables you eat 
I could go on 

Wednesday, 9 September 2015


Lentils are a really useful base for all sorts of dishes --I make lots of soup which my husband adores for lunch and usually include lentils ( plus sometimes split peas and barley). These items are all really low GI plus low in fat and filling and tasty plus cheap. I use all sorts of other vegetables and bits of chicken or meat to give flavour plus herbs and tomatoes --and indeed anything in the cupboard, vegetable basket or fridge.

I was lecturing to hospital caterers on Monday and suggesting lentils to boost up the nutritional content of meals for vegans --I often grind lentils to do this and then add to all sorts of dishes

I came across  good information at

Friday, 17 July 2015


All are welcome to this important event at Kettering General Hospital

Our Annual Members' Meeting will take place on Tuesday 21st July in the Prince William Lecture Theatre from 4.00pm till 7.00pm.

We will have short presentations on Orthopaedics (hip conditions) and Cardiac Care.

There are over 23 stands on display with staff available to talk with you including audiology, dermatology, chronic pain services, bowel cancer services to psychiatry and lots more!

The Executive team and Governors will be on hand to meet with you.

Find out about the Trust's 5 year plans going forward.

The main presentation of the annual report and accounts will be at 6.00pm.
Free car parking in Staff Car Park E.

Sunday, 12 July 2015



I often see people who require dietary advice who are also taking herbal items. Some grow these themselves while others buy them from various suppliers.

While this is not my field of expertise I do feel it is important to but from reputable suppliers. I was very interested to attend a meeting on this subject with speakers from producers such as Potters plus expert medical herbalists.
People have been taking such products for centuries, but since May 2011 herbal remedies come under special regulations.
Certain products such as such as St John’s wort, need to be registered with the MHRA and can only be sold for the conditions for which they are registered.
The MHRA says the scheme is designed to address problems with poor quality herbal remedies, some of which were found to be adulterated or contained the wrong herb. also some products are not suitable for those who are pregnant or taking certain medications
The scheme was tightened further from May 2014. All manufactured herbal medicines now have to be authorised by the MHRA in order to be sold and supplied lawfully in the UK.

Unlike licensing for mainstream medicines, registration doesn't mean a herbal remedy has been tested and proven to actually work.
It does mean the MHRA is satisfied the product is made to good quality standards with appropriate labelling and a product information leaflet. It also means the herb has been used in traditional remedies for more than 30 years.
Registered products carry a special THR leaf logo.

Saturday, 30 May 2015


Milk is really useful after sport --which not everyone knows.

Milk is an important liquid and 1st June is coming up fast and that is WORLD MILK DAY

 The Dairy Council, highlights how milk plays an important role in children's development, post exercise and in older age.

          Milk provides toddlers with the energy they need. Whole milk  and full-fat dairy products provide toddlers with energy for rapid growth. They also provide protein and phosphorous which are essential for normal bone development in children.

·         Milk can support us after exercise. Milk contains protein, carbohydrate and electrolytes which are particularly important for those engaged in all levels of sport and physical activity.

·         Studies show milk helps with rehydration after sport. When we sweat we lose electrolytes which are essential for the normal function of cells - sodium and potassium in milk help to maintain electrolyte balance,
milk also has a high water content.

·         Studies show milk helps muscles to recover. The level of carbohydrate and protein in milk contribute to the recovery of muscles after exercise when muscle glycogen stores have been depleted.

·         Milk helps us maintain strong muscles as we get older. Increasing protein intake through milk, in conjunction with resistance exercise, will help to protect against muscle wasting as we get older.

Dr Anne Mullen, Director of Nutrition at The Dairy Council, said: "Milk is an excellent source of nutrients essential for development and growth of bone, and muscle maintenance".

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Dietitian's diary --SENSE meeting

 Dietitians diaries seem to abound --but not so many from the UK.

 Yesterday a SENSE meeting.

So thought I would try and write something about what I do. I have been writing this blog for a while now and it has been just really random with ideas that seem topical.

Yesterday I went to a meeting of SENSE in London. As it says below it is for nutritionists and we have a really good support network for information.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

high calorie recipes

I have been cooking a lot lately --developing some high calorie recipes for use in the care sector. Last year I spoke about the need for such recipes at a Master class.
"Mabel Blades delivered a stirring and motivating talk on the challenges of catering in the care sector, and hints & tips on how to fortify dishes and attain that all-important ‘bliss point’ – the perfect mix of sugar, salt and fat.
Talking about the masterclass, Simon Muschamp said: “Pritchitts has had an unprecedented response to the masterclass, we wanted to inspire caterers in the face of the many challenges they encounter in the care sector, which include budgetary pressures, time constraints and treating malnutrition. Millac Gold can play an integral role when it comes to giving caterers more flexibility, whilst also helping them to fortify dishes. We hope that the session has given our caterers food for thought, when they return to their working kitchens, and the confidence to try something new.”
Indeed one of the attendees, Sue Franey, Catering Manager at Pembroke House said: “It was a wonderful masterclass, I thoroughly enjoyed the day, and the networking was very useful – as were the delicious recipes that we got to try.”
Mable Blades commented: “It was a brilliant day, what Pritchitts is doing is truly inspirational I’m hoping that further masterclasses can take place in the future.”

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

saturated fat

Saturated Fat, Dairy and Cardiometabolic Disease:  

Why there needs to be a fresh look at the evidence was the topic of a Dairy Council Conference

Associations between saturated fat and disease have been imprinted for decades, particularly with respect to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, or “cardiometabolic” disease  as a collective.

Dietary guidelines in the UK recommend that no more than 10% of dietary  energy should come from saturated fat. Current intakes of saturated fat in the UK adult population are at about 13-15% of dietary energy. 

Milk and dairy foods are nutritious foods, contributing a wide array of nutrients in significant amounts to all age groups in the UK, but are often targeted in saturated fat reduction campaigns.

The conferncence looked at this in detail.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Happiness day --happy smiles

International Day of Happiness

In 2012, the United Nations (UN) declared March 20 to be observed as the International Day of Happiness.

The day recognizes that happiness is a fundamental human goal, and calls upon countries to approach public policies in ways that improve the well being of all peoples.

By designating a special day for happiness, the UN aims to focus world attention on the idea that economic growth must be inclusive, equitable, and balanced, such that it promotes sustainable development, and alleviates poverty. Additionally the UN acknowledges that in order to attain global happiness, economic development must be accompanied by social and environmental well being.

The 20th March is also World Oral Health Day 2015 with the theme, Smile for life!

Smiling goes so well with happiness so a perfect combination and has been already combined by Leicester who are working hard to improve oral health in the city.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

How much red meat should we be eating?

How much red meat should we be eating?
“I quite often get asked how much red meat we should be eating and what the recommended weight actually looks like on the plate. To start with the guidelines,  the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) recommends that adults should eat a balanced diet with up to 500g (cooked weight) of lean red meat a week or up to 70g per day.

“So, we have clear government guidelines but what does 70g of red meat actually look like on your dinner plate?

“When meat is cooked it loses about a third of its raw weight due mainly to losing water. If you dry fry 100g raw minced beef it will after cooking be approximately 70g in weight. This is always a useful guide when buying meat as you can ask the butcher for 100g per person of raw meat or look for packs in the supermarket of the appropriate size.”

Examples of approximately 70g portions of cooked meats and meat products include:

  • One medium portion shepherd’s pie, lasagne, cottage pie, stir fry, chilli or any dish where you normally use lean minced meat
  • One lamb chop
  • Two slices of roast lamb, beef or pork
  • A piece of rump or sirloin steak about the size of a pack of cards
  • Three grilled lean rashers of bacon
  • 2 large or 3 small grilled sausages
  • Two standard beef burgers or one quarter pounder
  • Three slices of ham

“So why should we be including lean red meat in our diets? Well, beef, pork and lamb contribute to the all-important balance that necessary for a healthy diet and this is backed by the Department of Health. It highlights that red meat is a good source of protein, and vitamins and minerals such as iron, selenium, zinc and B vitamins.

“It is also one of the main sources of vitamin B12, which is only found in foods of animal origin, such as meat and milk.”

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Fish and chips

Calling all 'chip lovers' across the nation from 16th to 22nd of February 2015 is "chip week"

 We're a nation of Fish and Chip lovers: over 250 million portions of the famously British dish are sold every year in the UK, it even featured in the Writing of Charles Dickens, and amazingly, was exempt from UK food rationing during both WW1 and WW2.

Of course, hand in hand with our love of Fish and Chips, there's the age old debate about what the perfect accompaniment to your battered Fish and Chip supper is, and few disagree that salt and vinegar are the ultimate partner, bringing the meal to tangy perfection

I must admit I rarely eat fish and chips the last time I had fish and chips in paper and eaten with fingers was last weekend in Devon. Absolutely lovely. Freshly battered fish and freshly made chips--nothing frozen

Prior that at Milton Keynes hospital where I was doing some work last October where I had a lovely fish and chip lunch but the fish was baked and the chips chunky ones.

I am not an advocate of fried food every day but it can make a lovely simple treat.


Wednesday, 14 January 2015


I have done a lot of work on this topic of food in school with calculations, menu planning, allergen information and training.

The information from the Children's Food Trust may be of help

New school food standards

So what’s new in the standards ( )? The main difference is that they're food-based only, which means schools and their caterers will no longer have to nutritionally analyse their recipes and menus. The general principle of the
new standards emphasizes the importance of providing a wide range of foods across the week.

Variety is key – whether it’s different fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses or types of meat and fish. Offering a wider range of different foods provides a
better balance of nutrients.

Check out the practical guidance ( ) developed for schools, cooks and caterers t.

Know your allergens?

New EU Regulations mean that schools have a legal responsibility to provide correct information about the allergens contained in the food and drink you make or serve to pupils. The 14 allergens covered by the requirements are celery, cereals containing gluten, crustaceans, eggs, fish, lupin, milk,  molluscs, mustard, nuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, soya and sulphur dioxide. Information can be provided in a written format (e.g. listed on menus or standard recipes), or available for staff to explain verbally to parents and children.

The EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation ( ), enforced in the UK by the Food Information Regulations 2014, applies to all food businesses, including schools, early years settings and hospitals from 13 December 2014.

Sunday, 4 January 2015


IBS or irritable bowel syndrome makes life difficult for many people. Symptoms vary from person to person and there is not a universal solution.

I have had a number of patients with the problems and learnt that it often takes a while to sort things out.

The IBS Network Provides helpful advice for individuals to take control of their condition and are
found at

Friday, 2 January 2015

Red meat update

Red meat as part of a healthy lifestyle

Red meat is typically defined as beef, lamb, pork and goat but also  includes meat products such as hamburgers and minced beef which have not been preserved.

This separates them from the category of "processed meats" which have typically undergone salting, smoking or curing  processes, or had preservatives added to them.

Red meat when eaten as part of a healthy, balanced diet provides a  valuable source of high quality protein and important micronutrients including B vitamins, vitamin D, iron, zinc, selenium, potassium and
long-chain n-3 fatty acids.  

For these reasons, healthy lifestyle choices should include consuming red meat with The Department of Health advising that adults should consume a balanced diet with up to 70g of lean red meat per day
and up to 500g per week as recommended by The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN).

In context, red meat when consumed as part of a health and balanced diet is a valuable source of high quality protein and many micronutrients.

When looking to make lifestyle choices, ideally these should include eating up to 70g of lean red meat per day and up to 500g per week.  Cuts of meats should be lean, or fat should be trimmed, with meat being well
cooked but not charred.

To find out more, please visit